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Position:Home>Visual Arts> How does this photographer do this?

Question: How does this photographer do this!?
Does anybody know how these photos are taken!? Like there is a body in them, but you can see right through it to the back!.!.!.



Much appreciated!.!.!.thanksWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
My mate has a vintage clothes website and she sells her stock with photos of the stuff being worn!.

It's a very, very simple thing to do - buy a white body stocking, stand in front of a white sheet (you can pick up a sheet fairly cheaply from a market) and take your photo!. If you have photoshop you can then get fancy with the cropping and boosting the contrast to hide the white foreground and background, but if not you can just crop the picture to hide the bits outside the body stocking!.

Alternatively I've heard that stuffing balloons inside clothes works well!Www@QuestionHome@Com

if they were using photoshop they used the magic wand to select the pants, inverted the selection and then deleted the selection i!.e!. everything but the pants!.
in the tunic image they probably did the same, but took a second photograph of the inside back of the dress (the bit with the label), pasted it into the image and adjusted the layers so the bit with the label is behind the bust part!.
hope that makes sense!

photography is only half of what you need!.
a graphic artist modified the photo using an image editor like photoshop!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Copied and pasted and then erased w/ maybe a paint type program!.Www@QuestionHome@Com