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Position:Home>Visual Arts> Has anyone had photos block mounted?

Question: Has anyone had photos block mounted!?
I have had some expensive photos printed and cant really afford to have them proffessionally framed!. I am wondering if blockmounting would be a cheaper and just as effective option!? Can the photos be UV protected!? And does it look good!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
You can do it yourself!. I do it all the time!. But, if they were expensive you're risking things because it'll be your first time!. You would need to practice it and perfect your technique before attempting the pricey stuff!.
Buy some "black" foam core (frame stores, art stores, etc!.)!. Cut foam core slightly larger than photo!. Put "spray" adhesive on back of photo!. Carefully lay picture onto cut foam core and press into place!. Using a "metal" straight edge as a guide, and a "new" Exacto Knife, cut along the edges with the knife slanted in under the photo at about a 45 degree angle!. This should be done in one smooth cut on each side!. Be careful pressing the straight edge onto the photo while cutting because it will leave an indentation otherwise!.
Buy some 1" X 1" wood stripes!. Cut 4 pieces about 2" shorter than the length of each side of the photo!. Using a Hot Glue Gun, fasten these wood pieces onto the back of the foam core, about an inch "inside" the edge and along the edges!. You'll end up with four wood stripes along the four edges!. And, walla, you're done!. The wood, not only sets the photo "out" from the wall, which looks great, but prevents the picture from warping!.
Put a hook or nail in the wall and just hang the photo there using one of the glued on wood strips "over" the nail!.
It works great, and is far, far cheaper than having them professionally mounted!. The only problem is that this method is NOT as good as having them hot-mounted as is done professionally, and will not, therefore, last as long!.
They cannot be UV protected, even under glass!. It is better NOT to expose them to direct sunlight!. The print dyes or inks cannot withstand exposure to sun!.Www@QuestionHome@Com