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Position:Home>Visual Arts> How can I edit my pics like this?

Question: How can I edit my pics like this!?
Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Are You Saying!.!.

How Do You Edit Pictures, Or Which Editing Is Being Used!.!.!?

i don't think that image look edited at all, it looks like an average picture of an attractive young lady!. However, if you mean how/where do you edit pictures, you can do it either for free or you can pay for a more fancy software!.

you can use a free software like:
you can download it after looking on http://google!.com

or you could pay for photoshop, which is the flagship for editing photos!. It's quite expensive!. You can get it from
http://amazon!.com or you can look for it at your local shops around town!.Www@QuestionHome@Com