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Position:Home>Visual Arts> What is this kind of illustration called? How is it made?

Question: What is this kind of illustration called!? How is it made!?
Im trying to make some graphics for a website Im making!.!.!.and really like this kind of animated, cartoon-ish, people that I keep seeing!. Is there a name for this kind of image!? Are these vector images!? Could I effectively make these in photoshop!? If you can give me any info, it would be much appreciated!. Thanks!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
These are indeed vector images, which are usually made most handily in Illustrator!. Vector art is great because it is resizeable without getting all bitty, and the outlines are mathematically defined paths which are very clean and crisp!. The nice blends of colors are created when filled paths blend, intersect and overlap!.!.!. you can sort of do this in Photoshop, somewhat less intuitively!. The shape or polygon tool will let you create shapes on different layers, that will then be separately editable and movable until they get where you want them!. Then flatten and save as a GIF if it's for a website!.

Personally, I'd go straight to Illustrator!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Those are definitely vector images!. No you could not make them effectively in photoshop!. Use Illustrator, Freehand or Inkscape and whichever you choose, expect a substantial learning curve!. Incidently, I'm used to the style being called "atomic age" because it was so popular back in the fifties!. It's definitely related to the big foot style of animators like Gene Deitch or cartoonists/illustrators like Sid Hoff!. But they are definitely vector images, and Photoshop doesn't handle that well!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I am not sure exactly what those are called, it may be vector!. And I do think you can use Photoshop, but an even better program for creating graphics like that is - Illustrator!. With that program you start making creations by piecing together shapes and color, that make up the item!. So, you have to start viewing things in shapes!. Good Luck!Www@QuestionHome@Com