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Question: Taking pictures at a wedding!.!.!?
I am taking pictures at a friends wedding this weekend and was wondering!.

I want to have some of the pictures black and white!.!. I am NOT using a digital camera!.

Can I use color film and when the pictures are developes change some of them in to black and white!.!. !?

Or am I going to needs two different camera's!. One with color film and one with black and white film!. !?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Why not shoot color film and have them scanned to a CD where you can switch them to black and white!? You could also do many other effects as well as eliminate things like those pesky EXIT signs at receptions!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

You are better with black and white film!. The film will give better shading qualities than color film will!. You can have the color prints done in B/W but you would have to go to a professional development lab because they are the only ones that might have B/W paper nowadays!. If you use B/W film, make sure the lab knows that it is B/W!. the developing solution is different and you may lose your pictures if they try the color solution, you may end up taking the B/W film to the professional lab to make sure they know what they are doing!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

You can make color negs into BW images!. They just don't have that zing that makes a BWsilver photographic so "classic!." I've had this situation come up a few times and people are generally satisfied with a chunk of BW photos from the same area, like the staged ones before the ceremony, etc!.!.!.These days, though, I would stick to the color film because most of the labs don't develop black and white!. Unless you use BW and develop it yourself, you will probably end up buying c-41 BW film anyways, which is color film that has been neutralized and usually comes out slightly blue or green!. If are shooting in color and you think you want to photoshop an image into BW later, shoot with low contrast conditions and slightly overexpose!.

weddings are easy, concentrate on meeting people!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

They make paper that prints black & white photos from color negatives!. It's been so long since I've used it that I've forgotten what it's called, but since Kodak makes it, it should be available almost anywhere!. I wouldn't waste my money on black & white film!. You're going to waste days developing and printing everything!.

If you have 2 cameras, you need one with a long lens and one with a wide angle lens to use during the ceremony!. It's a lot less annoying for others and a whole lot faster than changing lenses!.

Depending on where you live, you can easily rent a high quality digital SLR camera and a pair of lenses for around $60 for the weekend!. That's less than the cost of the film you're going to be using!. Maybe the bride and groom will spring for the rental instead!. You can do a lot more with the digital images than you can with film, and it's a lot cheaper in the long run!. You lose a lot of image quality when you scan film, and you have to spend weeks cleaning up all the spots!. It really isn't worth it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

You certainly can have colour negatives printed as black and white!.
You will likely end up dropping them off at a profesional developer anyhow through your local camera shop!.
(Just because most of the instant photo places have disappeared and been replaced by digital photo printing machines!.)
The difference in cost for custom printing is not high enough to matter, and you are likely better to get it all in colour prints then chose which ones you want in B&W or sepia when you can see what you have to work with!.
If you have two cameras and want to go that route it will work too!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Digital labs can produce B&W prints from color negatives!. However, you'd be stuck with their conversions, and if you don't care for the contrast or color you'd be stuck!.

I'd shoot both!. For one thing, when I shoot B&W, I have a monochrome image in my head, I see my B&W images differently than color, and select them separately!. Even when shooting digital, which I shoot all in color, I have B&W or color in mind for the final print!. If you're shooting a wedding, you have a backup camera anyway, so load one with B&W of your choice!. You could even use the C-41 B&W, I used to shoot it regularly at weddings!. It makes fine scans if you're converting to digital on CD!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

You can not shift from colour to black and whites during processing, unless you shoot them in colour slide films and re-scan them into black and whites after development!.
Some good slide films are as follow:
these 2 are my favourites, they never fail to produce good results for my projects!.

If you can afford another camera, I will strongly advice on doing just that!. You can shoot with colour negatives and also colour black and whites (like the !. They are generally cheaper and cheaper to develope too in certain countries, because they use the same C-41 processing!.
Colour black and whites:
Colour negatives:

You say you are shooting a wedding so obviously you will have to have two cameras!. Why not use some Fuji Reala in one and some Ilford HP5 in the other!?Www@QuestionHome@Com