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Question: Modeling!? Where to start!?
I don't know where to start!. I got into Barbizon modeling school but i hear that its a scan!. So what's the next step!. Where should I go or do!? I live near New York City have no problem going in!. Did you just call places up, or send them online!? I don't know ! Thanks for any helpWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
You can set up a free account at onemodelplace!.com!. That is a start!.

If you are over 18 sign up at modelmayhem!.com!.

These are both good places to start!. To begin with set your profile to accept TFP shoots!. These don't pay, but you can build your portfolio and meet some good (and nasty) photographers this way!. Always take someone with you on a first shoot with a new photographer!.

Work hard, have patience and good luck!Www@QuestionHome@Com

barbizon isnt a modeling school!. dont let them fool you!.

start a profile on onemodelplace!.com!.
nothing fancy just a few snaps to start!.
work tfcd to build a pro portfolio!.
if you have a marketable look the work will find you!.

if you expect to succeed in modeling a a business learn about contracts, neogtiation, copyright, advertising, marketing, hair care, skin care and photography!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

you call them up get their information and see if they are looking for new talent, you send in some pictures, they see what they like, they work with you!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

My petite friend is modeling!.She told me how she sent photos free on modelmayhem!.com!. So go to modelmayhem!.com!.You can also network with people in the business!.Www@QuestionHome@Com