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Position:Home>Visual Arts> Does Anyone Know Where These Photos Are from?

Question: Does Anyone Know Where These Photos Are from!?
Hi everyone, for a while I've been looking for what site these photos may have came from, they were posted on someones facebook, but I do not the site, nor will the person tell me where they are from, I think these pictures are amazing and original, and I would really enjoy findind more of them, if anyone knows what site they are from, or any sites that that have pictures like these, PLEASE, feel free to let me know!.

Thanks in advance, Sarah

Hers the link, its the first 5 photos!.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Those images have NO EXIF data, so we don't even know what camera was used or when it was used!.

It seems you have found someone who "stole" someone elses images and are using them as their own !.!.!. sad to say!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

To tell you the truth they seem like magazine ads and stuff!.Www@QuestionHome@Com