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Question: Flickr!.com!?
I've uploaded a some photos onto flickr off and on now for awhile, and I've only gotten one comment!. I'm just wondering if you get more comments on pictures that you upload if their in the right group!. And if so, can anyone tell me what some good groups are for some 'in general' pictures are!.


Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
It's pretty much about having a good photo to get some comments!. And perhaps under your photos, you could request people to leave their comments or crits!.

It would also help that you leave comments on other peoples work as well, perhaps the less popular ones, so that they'll notive and have the time to respond!. And hopefully interested enough to go check out your own works and leave a comment or two!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Ummm no not really!. If you put them in more groups there is a chance your going to get more VIEWS not comments if your picture is good then you might get some comments!. If your seaching for a group then all you have to do is click on the group tab and there is a place where it says search group and then you can type whatever group you are looking for!

Good Luck with your comments!Www@QuestionHome@Com