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Position:Home>Visual Arts> The best idea for a really good picture??

Question: The best idea for a really good picture!?!?
The best suggestion gets 10 points!!
(nothing perverted)Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
What you need to do is practice looks in the mirror!. And then if you still have trouble get the pose tou want then while still looking in the mirror get your camera ready then look at the camera, snap it and dont forget to SMILE!
it works for me,hopefully for youWww@QuestionHome@Com

A really good picture of what!?

I recommend that you develop an "eye" for photography!. That will take some practice!. It also will only come with experience!.

I general, you want a well lit and well composed photograph!. You will also need an interesting subject!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Try going to the zoo and take pictures of the new born animals reacting with each other or with thier parents!. I know some of the zoos have areas where you can walk down and watch some of the animals swim through windows, you could try to get photos of the the zoo keepers feeding the polar bears as the polar bears grab the food under the water!.Www@QuestionHome@Com