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Question: Rate my art!?
Hey, this is my art,(Well some of it)please rate and tell me what I can improve on!. Thanks!


Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I say if you want to draw manga go for it! Your drawing is not bad; I can tell you put quite a bit of effort into the shading!. You should try to practice at LEAST once a day especially since it's summer!. Keep drawing lots of manga and don't forget to practice still life too!. Drawing still life can be boring for some people but it will greatly improve your hand eye, coordination, observational skills etc (don't expect any improvements over night)!.

P!.S!. A personal tip from my self!. Don't buy any books by Katie Coop( her style will throw you off ) and practice your anatomy before getting the face right!. Trust me it will help in the long run!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Um!.!.!.I'd have to agree!. Anime isn't for you!.

The hair was okay, but the eyes just don't look right!. They are too bold for the mood, and are too blocky!.

You have talent somewhere, just not in anime/manga!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

dont do anime what you need to still work on is bonestructure the eyes the nose and a little on the mouth

rate my drawing please

Keep practicing buddyWww@QuestionHome@Com

the animé style doesn't suit you!.
Draw what you see, not what you want to copy!.Www@QuestionHome@Com