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Question: How do I become a profesional photographer!?
What kind of schooling would I need to become a professional photographer, and eventually a portrait artist with my own studio!? What schools are best!? How many years, what do I need to learn!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
1!. Intern: There is no better way to learn about a profession that to see what the job requirements are by doing it!.

2!. Don't get a degee in photography!. Get a degree in Art and Business as both of those will cover most everything you will need to be successful in the photography field!.

3!. Time is variable!. It depends upon so many things; your talent, where you live, luck and the economy!. Be patient, with skill and proper preparation your time will come!. Success in photography, like any career, requires focus and purpose!. There is no instant keys to success!.

4!. You will need to learn that the successful photography business is 90% business and 10% photography!. Hence, the first three answers above!.

I know this isn't what you wanted to hear, but it is the facts I have found after having been 35 years in the business!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Well!.!.!.you're on a long road!.!.!.but one that you should enjoy and just dive right into!.

Say Cheese!.!.!.

The best place to start is just by picking up that clunky camera and going out into the world!. As useless as it sound, the more you take, the more you begin to take notice in the different styles that capture your eye, or a certain perspective, angle, exposure!.


Start from the basics, like learning a guitar, your camera has settings (or most anyway) that can adjust the output in many different ways!. There are a PLETHORA of guides online that can teach you many different ways to capture professional quality photos (even YouTube videos that ACTUALLY show you)!.


Check out different styles, and history of photography!. Get to know the greats, and defining moments in photographic history!. Learn the transition of film to digital, and which suits you best!. A class can teach you a lot, but a class can only teach you so much about techniques that are up to date, and of a different technique than your professors!. Network with other photographers in forums, art groups (deviantart!.com), and even support forums for your camera that can help you learn the ins and outs of repair and enhancements!.

From here, you've got to get into it with both eyes, hands, feet!.!.!.and just have fun!. Theres a whole world out there to capture, and it ain't gonna just hop into your camera!!.!.!.

Let me know if this helps!Www@QuestionHome@Com