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Question: Tips to start photography!.!.!?
Tips to start photography eg!. what camera, and what to do etc!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
If this is your first dslr, I would definitely recommend going with the Nikon D40!. If you get the D40 from Amazon, it is only $450, with a 18-55mm lens!. And because it is so cheap, it would give you some extra cash to buy lenses, etc!.


One thing to keep in mind is the D40 does not have a motor inside it, so it is limited to Nikon AF-S and AF-I lenses!. This should not be a big problem unless you already have lenses that you want to auto-focus with the D40!. If you do not, than stick to buying from Nikon's large collection of AF-S and AF-I lenses!. note: Nikon D40 can still operate other lenses, just you will have to manual focus!.

The D40 is a great camera to start with!. I know allot of camera stores like Henery's offer camera-specific photography classes, and it might be good to take one of those!.

Do allot of reading about aperture, shutter speed, iso, an other camera features on a website such as http://digital-photography-school!.com

Last of all, get out there and practice, practice, practice!.


DL is SOOOO right!

Go into a camera store and try a couple entry level DSLR's out!. Hold them in your hands and see which you like the best!. Are the controls easy for you to use, etc!.

If you plan on taking a class, you may want to check with the instructor and see if you need to buy a good used 35 mm SLR first !.!.!. for the class!. Then later when you have leaned how to control the camera and all its features, buy a DSLR body that will use the lenses you have already!.


get a slr camera!.
search meetup!.com for groups of photogs in your area!.
learn from them!.
take a course on photog!.
snap lots of pics!
never use your camera in auto mode!.
good luck!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Get a camera!.
Take pictures!.Www@QuestionHome@Com