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Question: Manga on a Violin!?
i was wondering if there was a way i could take manga scans from my manga book and print them on special paper and transfer them onto a white violin!. is this even possible!? this would make me have an original violin ( a violin covered in manga)Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I have been making custom skateboard decks, and perhaps some of my methods might help you!. I do my own art directly on the wood, so if you're looking to use someone else's designs or an applique it may not apply!.!.!. but here's what I do:

1!. I use a medium-grit sandpaper to sand the entire area that will be painted and then clean it thoroughly!.
2!. I apply 1-2 coats of acrylic gesso as a primer, and once it's dry I sand it with a finer sandpaper (it's important to use acrylic gesso because oil based paints will run when I apply the polyurethane)!.
3!. I apply the design, keeping layers in mind; background first, then foreground figures!. I use a combination of acrylic airbrushing and acrylic paint markers!. I don't always freehand-- I have a projector which allows me to trace designs onto the board in any size!.
4!. Once the design has dried COMPLETELY, I sand it once more with an extremely fine grit sandpaper (500 grit) and apply at least 2 coats of polyurethane to seal it!.

Since you are working on a delicate musical instrument, you may not need such a thick coating of PU, however on a deck I need to do that to maintain the integrity of the design while the deck it being used!. Actually, as a violinist myself, I would recommend being frugal with the layers of primer/paint/sealant that you apply, as it will probably compromise the resonance of the instrument!. Like I said, decks and violins are different, but maybe you can adapt these techniques to suit your project!.

Good luck!Www@QuestionHome@Com