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Position:Home>Visual Arts> I saved this photo over the original, how do I remove my watermark?

Question: I saved this photo over the original, how do I remove my watermark!?
How can I remove my watermark!?!? How do I save the new picture so that it does not replace the original!?!? also, how do I put the color back in!?!?


Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Just get a can of pink spray paint and paint your black camera!. Then it will work as good as your former pink camera did! Simple solutions are always best aren't they!?

When you do a save in the future, just hit the letter C on your keyboard and it will put all the color back in!.

Oh, yeah, you can also hit the letter W to remove the watermark!. These are little hidden shortcuts the computer manufacturers don't want you to know about!. They want you spend money on all that photoshoppy stuff to try to do it!.

(another great ACE alternative question!.!.!. I think maybe 3 of us on here actually "get it")


well you cant remove the watermark!. Do you still have the original on your camera or anywhere saved on your computer!? also you wont be able to add the color back in, if you desaturate the original you can do a fade desaturate and so on but if thats all you have left of the original with extensive editing you could remove the watermark!. Thats about it!. Next time save it as a different file name!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Always, always !.!.!. File > Save As !.!.!. and then name the file something that either reminds you what the image is or add something to the original file name, like 46 or a 4x6 crop, P for a panoramic file or a small "i" in front of the original to tell you that the file as been resized to post or send as email!. !.!. things like that,Www@QuestionHome@Com

What program are you using!?

If you haven't closed the file in the program, you can try hitting the undo button several times!.

To save a new image, you can usually choose Save > Save as New!. From the File menu, instead of hitting the little save/disk icon!.

If you can't undo and it's stuck like that, then it's stuck like that >!.< That's a lot of watermarks, so "erasing" them would really mess up the detail of your photo!. Do you still have the photo on your memory card maybe!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Trust me!.!.!.it's not happening!. Even if you didn't have the watermark there's no way you could correctly put the color back in!. I'm a Photoshop Pro at my day job, and even the best of the best wouldn't even attempt to recover this photo!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Try putting MORE watermarks on it to even it out!. Eventually, it'll all smooth over and the original watermarks will be barely noticable!.

To colorize the photo, print it out and break out the Crayola!. Remember: don't over-shoot the edges!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

That's a funny name for a horse!.!.!.!.since it is a watermark perhaps if you dip the whole thing in water it will wash off!.!.!.or at least even out, but don't forget to unplug the computer before dipping it - you don't want to get 'lectocuted!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Oh, do you want the horsie in pink!? First you need a free download of Photoshop!. :-)

(I'd do it for you, but it means my watermark would be layered over the other two!. That's okay, right!?)Www@QuestionHome@Com

You can't, like fotoace said!.!.!. always always always remember to "save as!"Www@QuestionHome@Com

Hahahaha, why not pink with purple dots!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Did you really save over your work, or does someone else own it!?Www@QuestionHome@Com