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Question: Can i sell photographs of myself!?
Me and my husband need some money fast!. Is there any sites where I can sell nude photos of myself for money!?

Sensible answers please! No nasty comments greatly appreciated!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
It all depends upon where you live!. Quite candidly, to make money, you will need to be seen by agents in the industry; try New York or Los Angeles!.

Nude men, even "adult" stars, don't make much!.!.!.so you need to evaluate what you are willing to "give up" for what you can potentially gain!. Make sure you are comfortable with whatever you are willing to do, don't do it first and then say "Oh, s%&t, I never thought my (mom, friends, children, etc!.) would see that!." They will!.
If you are comfortable with your body and willing to be naked, try exotic dancing!. Men, if they have a great physique can do well in most major cities and women can be exotic performers as well and the pay is better than for strict photo images!.

"Fast" can lead quickly to trouble, so go slow!.!.!.the scams out there outnumber the legitimate (no matter how intense the pictures) 10:1!. The more desperate you are, the more vulnerable you are to fall victim of fraud!. When you embark on a ship, at least have a good understanding of what ports you will be visiting!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

i dont recommend selling them to a website, because then they will on the internet forever and ANYONE will be able to see them!.

you could try selling them privately, like putting an ad in the paper or something!.

I've also heard about women who, kind of, fulfill fantasies for men without actually having sex with them!. like doing the whole female dominent thing and then sending them home to "wack it" or something!. not very glamorous but, some people are willing to pay a lot for something like that!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

if you let a pro photog take the pics!. amateur pics dont sell because the poses, lighting, color, etc is typically done in a way that is not marketable!. contact me privately for more info!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

im not sure but try sg suicide girls they always looking for hot chicks willing to show off wat they got i should no i did itWww@QuestionHome@Com

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