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Position:Home>Visual Arts> Did you ever cast your gaze lasciviously upon a painting?

Question: Did you ever cast your gaze lasciviously upon a painting!?
Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
If the theme of a painting is Eroticism then one would be expected to have these feelings!. It could signal the success for the art and the artist!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Ohhhh, yeah!. I have found myself standing in art an gallery with my mouth agape, almost salivating!. Sometimes the skin tones are so vibrant and translucent I feel as though I could reach in and stroke it!. Or, with still life's, the colors, exquisite depictions of ripe fruit and full blown blossoms!. Uhhhh!.!.yes, most certainly, yes!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Yeah, particular paintings can be so beautiful thats all you can do!.!. I get lost in some!. Art is such a wonderful thing I think everyone needs to visit a art museum at least once in their life to see just how inspirational and lust paintings and art pieces can really be!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

yes, as a teen I had a friend who had a big poster on the wall with Dali's The Sacrament of the Last Supper!.!.!. I used to dream about the hands of that Jesus!.!.!. they are so expressive!Www@QuestionHome@Com