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Position:Home>Visual Arts> Where do the letters on a piece of paper go when you erase them with the pencil&

Question: Where do the letters on a piece of paper go when you erase them with the pencil's eraser!?
Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
The eraser actually removes thin layers of the paper, taking the traces of your letters/drawings with it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

*gasp* no one has ever told you!? *sniffle* their little-letter-souls float discreetly past you!.!.!. up, up, up, past the sky, past the moon, up, up, up, to Letter-Heaven, where erasers are no more! Where they are free of pain and strife, no more struggling to look pretty on that piece of paper!. Where they can put any words together and it makes a perfect story!. Where their deformed heads and limbs are reattached or healed!.

That, my friend, is where letters go when you erase them!.


curled up with the little erasure shavingsWww@QuestionHome@Com