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Question: How do you like my pics!?
Hey please give some contructive critism on my photos!. If you could please add the photos name so i don't think you are talking about all of my photos!.


Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Your best image is "Congress!." It contains good composition and strong center of interest!. However, since this picture has been taken zillions of times it lacks the uniqueness to make it special!.

Your animal pictures show you have a definite love for them!. Again ask yourself, why would anyone else care!? What makes these pictures different from others of similar subjects!.

The creative portrait shows you have spent some time learning the techniques of digital image manipulation, good, but you have a tendency to overdo it!. Don't obliterate a subject for the sake of an effect!. The effect should enhance the subject, not detract from it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I liked Palm!. Strong visual interest!. Bold and vivid! The rest were pretty ordinary!. Sorry!

Okay, on closer inspection, I think your Palm picture could use a little cropping from the right side!. It will take out some washed-out and out of focus areas, and improve by de-centering the focal point!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Old time zeus!. I like that you put it in black and white!. I liked the colors in your cousin but it didnt have the most original composition!. Practice! Sounds old-time but its one of the easiest ways to improve your photography!. Good luck!Www@QuestionHome@Com

These pics seem strangely familiar!. Deja vu!? No, I don't think I saw them in a dream, I saw them here!. A few days ago!. With answers!. Why are you doing this!?Www@QuestionHome@Com