Question Home

Position:Home>Visual Arts> Arts that are typed???

Question: Arts that are typed!?!?!?
Can i please get some arts that are typed!.
or a webpage where i can find it!?!?!?
thank uWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
you mean something like this!?:

_____d$$$$$$$$$$$$ $$b_____
_____$$$$$$$$$$$$$ $$$_____
____4$$$$$$$$$$$$$ $$$F____
____4$$$$$$$$$$$$$ $$$F____
____$$$$"_"$$$$ "_"$$$$_____
_____$$F___4$$F___ 4$$_____
_____?!.!.$F___4$$F__ _4$"_____
______$$___$$$$___ $P______
______4$$$$$"^$$$ $$%_____
_______$$$$F__4$$$ $_______
________"$$$ee$$$ "________
________!._*$$$$F4_ ________
_________$_____!.$_ ________
_________"$$$$$$ "_________
__________^$$$$___ ________
_4$$c_______""__ _____!.$$r_
_^$$$b____________ __e$$$"_
_d$$$$$e__________ z$$$$$b_
4$$$*$$$$$c____!.$$ $$$*$$$r
_""____^*$$$be$$ $*"____^"_
__________"$$$$" __________
________!.d$$P$$$b_ ________
_______d$$P___^$$$ b_______
___!.ed$$$"______ "$$$be!.___
_$$$$$$P__________ *$$$$$$_
4$$$$$P___________ _$$$$$$"
_"*$$$"_________ ___^$$P___

________*/? \________
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_______ !.|ˉ|_________
_______ !.|?|_________
_______ !.|?|_________
_______ !.|?|_________
_______ !.|?|_________
___\###/ |?|/&&/_____
____\ ######## //____

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hope that helped!Www@QuestionHome@Com