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Position:Home>Visual Arts> Can u give me suggestion about video camera models good enough (but not too expe

Question: Can u give me suggestion about video camera models good enough (but not too expensive) for film!? - 5 points!?
Can u give me suggestion about video camera models good enough (but not too expensive) for film!? Please mention a few modelsWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Film and video are two different mediums!.

Which do you want!? 16 mm film or mini-DV video tape!?

To attempt to use film in a video camera would be like trying to use gasoline in a diesel engine !.!.!.

Let us know what you are trying to do and we can help you!.

If you are attempting to shoot video and have it converted to a theatrical film release (35 mm), then here is a link that will show you what cameras are available to rent!.
