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Position:Home>Visual Arts> Refurbished/ex-showroon display cameras?

Question: Refurbished/ex-showroon display cameras!?
Has anyone ever bought an ex-showroom display/demo camera or a refurbished one!?!?

What are your thoughts, experiences and advice!?!?

also would anyone buy a 2nd hand camera, say for example off e-bay etc!?!?!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Very rarely do I buy camera equipment in person!.

Most of mine has been bought second hand off of Ebay!. I might say that I have become very good at separating the wheat from the chaff, and have never gotten any unexpected surprises!.

When not buying off of Ebay, I've bought from KEH Camera Brokers out of Atlanta!. They tend to have very high quality item and are reasonably priced!. also, they have a 14 day no questions asked return policy, and a 90 day guarantee on all the used items they sell!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Yes I have purchased a couple of P&S demo cameras and both sold and purchased 2nd hand cameras and lenses, but not from eBay !.!.!. there is no way to check the camera before turning over your money!. I use craigslist instead in the city near me!. I can hold and operate the camera before I turn over my money to the sellerWww@QuestionHome@Com

My XT is refurbished and works fine!.
I have a paranoia of showroom models!.
Every DSLR has a shutter life!. I don't know how long that model has been out there and handled!. How many times the sales person(s) shot off that camera to demonstrate the fps and if it was handled roughly by the customer!.Www@QuestionHome@Com