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Position:Home>Visual Arts> How to get this beautiful Lightning effect using Adobe Photoshop CS3?

Question: How to get this beautiful Lightning effect using Adobe Photoshop CS3!?
It's a circular blur effect I guess which really looks great!. So, what do u call this effect!.!.!.!.How to get this effect on Adobe PS CS3!? If there's a pic of City lights!.!.!.this kind of effect can make a big impression!.
Here's the pic> http://l!.yimg!.com/g/images/spaceball!.gifWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I'll be willing to bet money that this is NOT a Photoshop effect!.

It looks very much like a simple unfocuses camera shot of lights in a darkened room or outdoor night scene!. You can still see the sharp edged artifacts caused by leaves of the apreture on the "balls!."Www@QuestionHome@Com