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Position:Home>Visual Arts> I am nineteen and have drawn stick figures my whole life..I suck...can I get goo

Question: I am nineteen and have drawn stick figures my whole life!.!.I suck!.!.!.can I get good at realistic faces!. Pencils!?
I wnat to learn how to draw realistic faces and want to get a book on it, any good books and also is it do-able!. I am terrible at drawing!. I want to draw my girls face and I will practice everyday to be able to draw her!. I really wnat to fraw her , like from a portrait!. I would also like to do bodies, like female figures, but I really would rather get really good at faces!. Thank you!. Oh also, is it a big transition to doing tattoos!. Like if I learn to draw is it harder to do tattooing , just wondering!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
i personally believe you just cant learn to draw it has to be a gift and a passion of yours since you were young!. i mean you can practice and learn to improve the art skills you already have!.!. but you have said you have none so i dont see it happening!. if your really dedicated and think its worth a shot, what i tell people who are beginners is just to draw exactly what you see!. draw each part of the face or body in proportion of the actual image!. out line your image first than add in the shading and detail ( these skills dont come overnight they take years & years to learn) same with tattooist!.!. it takes many years to become qualified along with the years of learning to draw to perfection!.!. at your age i would try find something else mate!.!.im 17 and have been improving my drawing skills since i was 6!.!. im an A student in the highest art class and have a tattoo apprenticeship coming next year so i know im younger man but im honestly not trying to be rude or ignorant just saying the truth and the skills you will need to learn to even start thinking about tattooing!.!. anyway good luck!Www@QuestionHome@Com

A great book to start with is "Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain"!.

I used an older version, but here's a link to what I think is the newest!.


Good luck!Www@QuestionHome@Com

"Drawing the Head and Figure" by Jack HammWww@QuestionHome@Com

no, i would stick with what you are doing!. the world needs stick people too!.Www@QuestionHome@Com