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Position:Home>Visual Arts> HELP! i need a name for a studio?

Question: HELP! i need a name for a studio!?
like a photography studio!. I love the one "Talking Lenses" but that one is taken already!. :[
i need a name for my photography studio!. PLEASE HELP!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
The best rule for any business is keep it simple!. The fewer syllables the better to be recognizable and unique!. Try things like "Lens Magic" or "Image!." (I know they may already have been taken, but you get the idea)!.

If your "studio" name is for website use, it will be much more difficult to find a unique name as most easy names have already been taken!. In that case, mix the words of the name together or use a partial name that can be attributed to your brick and mortar studio name!. (i!.e!. "lensmagic!.com" or "IMGinChicago!.com")Www@QuestionHome@Com

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Good luck and hope this helps!!Www@QuestionHome@Com