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Position:Home>Visual Arts> Its vain i know but what are some good poses for pics ?

Question: Its vain i know but what are some good poses for pics !?
what are some good poses ! Vain i know but i like taking pics!. i got peace and pout!. Thats about it ! please gimme ideasWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Hmm!.!.!. Let's see here lol!.!.!.

1!. The Hip Pop-- bend your elbow and place hand on hip
2!. The Hair Tousle-- pretty self explanatory
3!. The Cupped Hands-- place your chin in your hands while lying on your stomach, prop yourself up on your elbows, and cross your feet!.!.!. sounds complicated, but it's really not lol
4!. The Mirror Pose-- you stand in front of the mirror and take a picture with your camera at an angle, super cute with a big group of friends :)
5!. The Surprised Girl
6!. The Confused Look
7!. The Thizz Face
8!. The P-Oed Face
9!. The Drama Queen
10!. The Thinking Face-- place hand on chin, you know the one I'm talking about
11!. The Winking Face-- if you know how to wink lol
12!. The REALLY Happy Look
13!. The Seriously Serious Pose
14!. The Raised Eyebrow

There are way more, and when I think of them I'll edit my comment!. Oh and by the way, I'm not vain either, I just like to have fun taking pics with my friends :)

Hope this helps!!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Well, it depends on what you're going for!.

Is the mood happy!? Somber!? Sensuous!? Are you talking about actual photography or snapshots for your Myspace!?

I've always found that very organic, dancing/martial arts-ish poses look very dramatic and interesting!. Make it graceful and willowy!. That's always pretty!. (:Www@QuestionHome@Com

It is the pose that shows off your best features the best!. Usually for females it is the Miss America stance!. Hip to the camera, front leg bent, torso turned partially towards camera hand on hip or elongated!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Take a look at some of the sites that models and photographers use as networking tools!. Two of them are One Model Place and Model MayhemWww@QuestionHome@Com