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Question: Comic help!?
ok im drawing like a comic series and im up to page 20 and my friends like it and they read it but its hard for them to read it like if the pages are just pages so how can i make it so its easier to read ( i dont want to punch holes in it, i used a folder that u could just slide in the spine and it was like a book but it gets the corners messed up and the side since it doesent cover the whole page )

sry but i have a lot of detailsWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Use a report cover!.


A good way to present this is in 'zine format!. 'Zines are usually half A4 size because that lets you print or photocopy 2-sided and then fold and bind, for a small comic book!.

You will have to plan the page sequence so it works when you put the book together, but once you start planning you'll understand how that has to work!.

For binding, you fold all the pages first, then open them again and stack them!. Then you bind at the fold!. The easiest way is by stapling!. You can also sew them quite easily in a format called pamphlet binding (you can google it if that's what you want)Www@QuestionHome@Com

My suggestion bud would be to scan the picture from the comic book then make a table in a word document and copy and paste pictures and retype words!.

hope it helpsWww@QuestionHome@Com