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Position:Home>Visual Arts> What is the difference between designing a publicity item for the print media or

Question: What is the difference between designing a publicity item for the print media or designing one for the web!?
Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Web design tends to be more interactive with the viewer, often encouraging, or requiring him to scroll up, down and sideways to access more of the information and layout!. This can't be done in print media!. also, a web design assumes that the viewer is sitting in front of a monitor and has the leisure to peruse, linger, and gatther inormation, where in print, the viewer MAY be sitting still, or, may be walking by, or, even whizzing rapidly by in a vehicle that may, or may not be able to pause!.

So, while web design may be extremely flexible in many ways, print, with it's limitations, can be designed so that the campaign offers it's information in MANY formats, each designed for a specific purpose and situation for the viewer!.

In your comparison, you have left out a VERY important form of visual publicity: The video communication media of film and television!. Even the static layouts for these applications have to be done with the asumption that it will be sandwiched between OTHER messages and entertainment, and, for the most part be ephemeral in that the message is displayed in a very specific and LIMITED time, and, the viewer will NOT be able, (or willing) to go BACK to the message and read it again!.

And finally, of course, ALL THREE of these forms can interact with each other!. They can all carry the message with the same theme and refer to each other!. Print and TV ads can refer to a website for more information!. Web and Print campaigns can prepare a viewer to watch for a specific television program for references!. Web and television spots can advise the view to "look for the coupon" in an upcoming printed flyer, magazine or newspaper edition!.Www@QuestionHome@Com