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Position:Home>Visual Arts> DSLR camers for nature/ wildlife photography?

Question: DSLR camers for nature/ wildlife photography!?
Right now, I am using a Sony H9 point and shoot for my nature and wildlife photography!. It does OK for the most part and the 15X zoom is great for most wildlife shots!. since I mainly just post my photos to my outdoor blog ( http://www!.afreshpath!.com ) the resolution and general quality are ok!.

What I would like though is to find a DSLR camera and lens that would take photos of high enough quality for large prints and still keep the weight factor to a minimum!.!.!.lots of extreme hiking is involved with wildlife photography!

Your recommendations are appreciated!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
The new Canon Rebel model XSi is great!. It is lightweight and not as heavy or large as Canon's other full bodied DSLR's!. It also has a 3 inch screen and accept ALL of Canon's lenses and accessories!.
Best of all it is 12!.2 megapixels!. You can get the camera and an 18-55mm zoom lens at many camera stores for around $900!. or cheaper at photography warehouse stores like those found in the back pages of photography mags!. It has also received excellent ratings by many testing labs and photographers!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Nikon D200!.

It can handle the rigors of weather and hiking!.

I highly recommend the Nikon F/4!.0 300MM lens for wildlife!.

The 18mm-200mm VR is great for landscape!.Www@QuestionHome@Com