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Position:Home>Visual Arts> HEADSHOT HELP?? CAN I TURN ON THE SIDE?? pleease help ME!!?

Question: HEADSHOT HELP!?!? CAN I TURN ON THE SIDE!?!? pleease help ME!!!?
Ok for my head shot can i turn on the side or do i have to be looking strait at the camera!.!.!.how close does it have to be!?!? can i be looking at the camera but my head turned to the side!.!.!?!? PLEASE HELP!!!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Yes you can turn to the side in various degrees,all the way to profile on either side!.As to how close,it depends on the lens you're using,85mm - 105mm,is considered the optimum focal length for a head shot!.(35mm SLR)I hope this helps!.Good luck with your head shots!.Peace!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

try to keep your head straight and dont pout ect!. just keep you face natural and dont turn to the side for a head shot they want a full on face shot not the sideWww@QuestionHome@Com