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Position:Home>Visual Arts> Why do Artists draw themselves as something they're not?

Question: Why do Artists draw themselves as something they're not!?
I've thought this over a lot and I'm still stuck on one thing!. I know people who are over weight or even not at their ideal weight will draw themselves thinner then what they really are in paintings and drawings but when something is supposed to be drawn "True to Life" or "Based on Real Events" why do they still draw themselves as rods!? It's bland and really!.!.!. generic!. Everyone wants to be their ideal image but in some cases, isn't it just wrong!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I don't know why but I always see myself as an average human being but then again if you were to look at me you would see that i was overweight!. Maybe its how the mirror, it could just be an illusion!. And some of us are insecure/secure!. I don't think it's wrong/right!. It just how we depict are selves in are art, maybe it's a way in understanding things!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

It is probably the way they would want to depict themselves!. If an artist is overweight, I doubt they would draw themselves as that!. There are many artists out there who reject this, and create art the way it's supposed to be, REAL!. But then again, it's art!. It's objective!. It's subjective!. I agree with you, though!. Artists sadly have that creative license thing hah!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Only the novice artists do that!. I don't I go ahead and draw every good and bad trait on everything i draw!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

1 word EGO!Www@QuestionHome@Com