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Position:Home>Visual Arts> I have some interior decorating/ color issues?

Question: I have some interior decorating/ color issues!?
In my room which is 3!.6m long and 3m wide, there is a horizontal window on the longer wall that looks like this- http://www!.weatherkingdoors!.com/images/s!.!.!.
and is pretty high off the ground!. What can I do with it!. Drapes won't work because the window is too high and it would look weird!. Any ideas will help!. Thanks!!!

And also, I have a problem with the color of the carpet!. http://www!.coastalsling!.com/update/image!.!.!.
It's not the most beautiful color in the world and I'm trying to think what type of furniture would make it look better!. The room is fairly small!. Without changing the actual carpet, what kind of cute, contemporary colors and styles make that color look nicer!? Sorry for such a long question!. You don't need to answer both, but any ideas for either problem helps!. Thanks so much in advance!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I found this website fun to browse through!. It mixes bright colors with wood, which would be somewhat similar to your scheme!. One scheme is in the picture about artificial light!.!.which is lighter than yours but you might be able to do a spin-off of it!. And there's a REALLY contemporary colorful look if you scroll down some more!. The rug is hard to make out!.!.I think it's charcoal maybe - but I think the colors keep the eye away from the rug!.!.!.there's a window like yours but it's open with just white molding around it!.!.!.there's also an elegant, but dark bluish/purplish with brown look further down!.!.anyhow, flip through this website to brainstorm!.!.!.I just like looking at all the stuff!


This is her flickr site with the same pictures and more (like 15 pages or something so I didn't go through them all)


Here's House Beautifuls decorating section

Well I could look at rooms all day but I better go before I get carried away!Www@QuestionHome@Com

well the carpets not so bad
wont look dirty easy
suit a natural earthy colour scheme
and the window , make a feature of it if you cant hide it , emphasis it and source of light brighten up a room you could even put a mirror on the opposite wallWww@QuestionHome@Com

Build a copper cornice on the window to give height to the wall and decorate with copper accents, turquoise and brown!.!.!.toss in some orange if you've a mind to!.Www@QuestionHome@Com