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Question: TFCD rights!.!?
What exactly are the rights of the model and the photographer in a TFCD photoshoot!? What would you recommend the model to sign!? Is it imperative for any models under 18 to have a guardian!? Thanks in advance!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
That should all be spelled out in the contract, and if the photographer has no contract!.!.!. find someone else!. Anytime I did this type of thing, my contract allows me full rights to use the photos for business promotion or to sell!. The model, in turn, has the same rights, they are her photos free and clear to use as she pleases!. It was always just a mutual rights deal between me and the model so we could both benefit in the future!. I got photos for my portfolio, she received high quality photos at no cost!.

!.!.!. and yes, anyone under 18 had to have a parent or guardian also sign the contract!.

!.!.!. and NEVER do any kind of shoot like this without "witnesses"!. It can be a crazy world, and you don't want some gold digger trying to sue you over some false claims that you tried to "take advantage" of her!. Most TFCD models bring someone with them anyway, but it never hurts to have a third party that YOU know also present!.

(I'm writing this from a photographer's point of view)!.


The model release should spell out that both the photographer and model have rights to use the images for self promotion, but no commercial use will be allowed unless a commercial release is executed!.

All models under the age of 18 year old not only have the release signed by a guardian or parent, but must be accompanied by a guardian or parent!.

If you are interested in seeing a sample of such a release, email me!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

TFCD = Time for CD

The model (and the model's parent if under 18) will need to sign a model release form!. You both will have the rights to do whatever you please with the photos!.!.!. manipulate, print, sell, publish, etc!.Www@QuestionHome@Com