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Position:Home>Visual Arts> How long can clay remain leather-hard without cracking?

Question: How long can clay remain leather-hard without cracking!?
also i just want to say for all the guys I couldn't rate out of the three best answers I had to choose from I would give all you guys props if I was lvl 2 and once again thanks for your help you are all very insightful!!!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
It depends on humidy, temperature and volume-to-mass ration (thickness) of the clay!.!.!.

I didn't even answer your question, have I!?

The only SURE way of testing is if you cut cylinders of different thicknesses, set them in your work area, and see when each starts to lose their leather-hardness (and how badly)!. Then you'll get an idea how thick a piece has to be in order to stay leather-hard long enough or how often you'll have to re-wet it!.

For myself, thorough dry-out leading to cracking does not happen after a few days EVEN WITHOUT INSULATING IT after work sessions, but that's because it's humid-Hong Kong!. If you cover your work with plastic wrap after each session, I'd think an average duration of one week to ten days to be pretty close!. However, with careful ~soakings~, and properly sealing of moisture, you can get it to stay soft indefinitely; it ~may~ deform your work a little, but it's a price you have to pay if it's a months+ project!. Constantly moistening your work with a spray bottle is a good idea, with an emphasis of suiting its timing to your work rhythm!.

But there are so many ways around this!.

Use an oil-based clay; their "moisture" evaporates much slower!. Use vinyl-based "castacine", whose softness is heat-activated and can be repeated numerous times!. Use two-part hardening "clays" (eg epoxies)!. Clay is like our hair and skin: you can "replenish" its moisture, but once it's "damaged" to a certain point, it cannot be reversed!. Alternative clays solve this problem!.Www@QuestionHome@Com