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Position:Home>Visual Arts> What does composistion mean???

Question: What does composistion mean!?!?!?
Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Composition is the arrangement and balance of subjects in a photo!. There is something called the rule of thirds that is relative to composition!. Think about a tic-tac-toe board on top of your photo -you now have 9 sections!. Many times you will notice a great photo is heavily weighted/focuses in on three of those sections!. (rule of thirds) like three on the left, or right, top or bottom, or in a corner!. Almost never straight through the middle!. That divides the photo, and messes up the "composition"!. you see!?Www@QuestionHome@Com



1!.The combining of distinct parts or elements to form a whole!.
2!.The manner in which such parts are combined or related!.
3!.General makeup: the changing composition of the electorate!.
4!.The result or product of composing; a mixture or compound!.
5!.Arrangement of artistic parts so as to form a unified whole!.

6!.The art or act of composing a musical or literary work!.
7!.A work of music, literature, or art, or its structure or organization!.
8!.A short essay, especially one written as an academic exercise!.
9!.Law A settlement whereby the creditors of a debtor about to enter bankruptcy agree, in return for some financial consideration, usually proffered immediately, to the discharge of their respective claims on receipt of payment which is in a lesser amount than that actually owed on the claim!.
10!.Linguistics The formation of compounds from separate words!.
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Composition is the arrangement of a scene or a subject matter in the frame of a camera lens and it is how these layout principals affect whether you have a good photo or not!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I believe you are talking about "composition," not composistion!. In simple terms, composition is how everything is arranged in the photo!.Www@QuestionHome@Com