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Position:Home>Visual Arts> Whats the best digital camera out there for cheap for a beginner learning photog

Question: Whats the best digital camera out there for cheap for a beginner learning photography!?
I'm intrested in photography and I have a older digital camer a Kodak easyshare CX7300 and I really want a new camera, but i'm on a very limited budget I need one probably under $200 and I was wondering what was the best to get and I'm a beginner!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
You want one with lots of settings, trust me!. Any camera with program mode, Tv Shutter-priority mode andAv Aperture-priority!! Here are the cameras I would recommend
Canon (Best brand by far), Nikon (I don't like nikon too much but they are also a top name brand) and Kodak!!Www@QuestionHome@Com

fhotoace is right (as he usually is)!. But consider that if you really want to learn about digital photography, shooting is only one half of it!. The other half is photo-editing on a computer!.

For the camera, megapixels is not that important!. Five megapixels is plenty, and even cheap cameras have more than that these days!. You would also like to be able to set F-stops and shutter speeds, and to focus for yourself!. The more you learn about these things, the more control you have!. You want to make those decisions yourself, not just trust them to the camera!. You want a higher-end 'prosumer' camera!. A DSLR might be nice but any halfway decent 'settable' camera will do you!.

Then you want to get a good photo-editing program!. Photoshop is the best but it's EXPENSIVE! You can download a program called GIMP that costs nothing!. It has roughly the same capabilities of Photoshop but the user-interface is different, and admittedly a little strange!. But you will learn how to adjust contrast, brightness, levels, correct colors, etc!. and that's what you need to learn!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

i started taking pictures when i was 17 using a single lens reflex (slr) Nikon and Ricoh camera!. When i switched to digital single lens reflex, i bought a Nikon D40 which was recommended to me by a friend who is an amateur digital photographer!. It was for me the perfect cam for beginners because it's very basic, light, and cheap!. I don't know if you can get a dlsr for 200 bucks coz i bought mine for 400 dollars!. I hope this helps!. good luck :)Www@QuestionHome@Com

You can only "learn" photography with an adjustable camera !.!.!. that means in your budget range, you will be looking at a good Nikon or Canon 35 mm SLR and standard lens!. You can find them on craigslist for under $200!. And of course take a class or two at your local community college!.

Here is a sample of what is a available in my area


As you are able to learn how to use your cameras features and save for a good used DSLR (in a few years or so)!.Www@QuestionHome@Com