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Position:Home>Visual Arts> Why has photography gotten more popular?

Question: Why has photography gotten more popular!?
Nowadays, alot of people like photography, including myself!. Is it because of all these new digital cameras that more people are getting into it one reason!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Correct!. Photography is fairly instant now, rather than waiting for the film to be developed and prints made!.

Plus if you take a bad shot, who cares! Delete it and take another!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I agree, I think that photography has become more popular as a hobby because of digital cameras!. I prefer digital because you don't have to pay 5 pound each time you have to process a film - meaning that you can shoot off more photos at no extra cost!. Plus, the advancement of being able to see the photos you shoot immediately and not having to wait until you have them developed!.
I suppose its also down to the falling cost of instant cameras making the hobby more assessable to people who might not be as well off as others!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

There is much more to photography now and its allot easier!. Even a kid can do it with point and click settings Then theres the more advanced settings and tons of lens & filters Which make it possible to be more creative and to capture a better view of the world and if the photo you took came out wrong just 1 click and its gone so that you can retake the photo!.

Theres Cameras for all most anything and anyone even on a budget!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The rise of computers is responsible for it, we can now take pictures, see it on the screen of the camera, carry hundreds of photos on a little card, put it on our computers, edit them, and print them ourselves or go to a kiosk, all done in a few minutes!. Its incredibly different to the traditional way, at college we used film cameras, oh my, it is difficult!. For a start you can't take duff ones and then delete them like with digital, each one has to be right otherwise you're wasting film, and then you can't look through them all, you dont know whether they're good ones or not until you develop them!. Then you have the task of developing them!. You take the film out of the canister in total pitch black dark and wrap it around a film reel, come out the dark room and pour developer chemical in at a certain temperature for a certain amount of time and keep stirring it, then take it out, and put another chemical in to stop it developing, take that out and put in a chemical that fixes it, take that out and rinse it in water, hang them to dry, cute them up into strips Thats just to develop the negatives in simple black and white!. Then you have to make the photo, time consuming, but its quite satisfyingWww@QuestionHome@Com

Seems to me, the new DSLR's and the way Nikon and Canon are advertising theirs have caught everyones attention and now make them think they can take amazing pictures easily!.

also, MYSPACE! Everyone has to have lots of pictures on their myspace, and they have to look good!. Mainly self portraits!. It's almost a silent competition who can have the neatest pictures!.

EDIT: It all bothers me!. This photography craze!. I won't go into details because I know I'm being kinda arrogant and selfish, but it's just the way I feel!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

You said it yourself, digital photography has done so much to get people interested in photography because of its perceived ease of use, and most of all instant gratification and fun which is not unlike that which you get with a Polaroid camera, just without the exorbitant cost of film!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I have been doing photography for years now , both in film and digital , but with the boom in camera phones , access to computers , the cost and relative ease of digital it has made photography far more accessible and convenient !.Www@QuestionHome@Com

in addition to how easy and instant digital camera's are, photography is now a lot less scary, as you can see the picture you're taking, instead of just making sure the light meter's in the right placeWww@QuestionHome@Com

Cheap!. Digital!. Cameras!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Yeah, you hit the nail on the head, its all these new cameras!

its now much more affordable and its also easier to take good quality photographsWww@QuestionHome@Com

much more affordable now and people can browse images at the drop of a hat on the web rather than having to go to galleries!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

yep, cameras are better, easier to use and you can edit them yourself!.Www@QuestionHome@Com