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Position:Home>Visual Arts> How do i reduce a pictures size on psp9?

Question: How do i reduce a pictures size on psp9!?
Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Well, that depends!.!.!. do you mean the size in width and height or the file size!?

For the width/height:

Go to "Image" on the top bar, then scroll down to "Resize"
This will bring up the resize window!. You can either resize by pixel dimensions (ie 640 x 480) or print size (ie 4 x 6)!. Under the pixel dimension you can resize by pixels or percentage of the current size!. I prefer by pixels to make smaller and percentage to make bigger!. When making an image larger do it in small increments so you can stop when the distortion gets too bad!.

Now, if you're talking about the actual file size (ie 170k) then you would go to:
"File" - "Save As" or "Save Copy As" - This will bring up the saving window - toward the bottom of the window you will see an "Options" button!. Click that and it will bring you to the "Compression" options!. Slide the bar over and this will compress the file and make it smaller!. Don't compress too much because it will affect the image quality!. Usually 20 is good!.

Hope this helps!.!.!.


Click on Edit and Resize - then resize it either by % or pixels!.

Hope this helped =)Www@QuestionHome@Com