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Question: How is my newer photography!?
dont comment on the winter onessWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
my favorite one, i know you said not to comment about them , is the basketball hoop!. I like your photography, but i think it could be alot better if you made a better composition, because alot of your pictures, the main subject matter is in the middle!. Just play around with different compostions!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Your photography is typical of novice youngsters with no technical or artistic knowledge!. It is good that you are interested in photography as a hobby, it is fun and rewarding!. Your photos now show no forethought, planning, or understanding of what makes an interesting image, but they are fine for your photo album!. You can begin to learn about photography if you want to improve!. Take a class if possible!. Visit your local library or bookstore and get a book on beginning photography!. Start looking at good images in magazines and pay attention to how they look and the lighting!. Look at the composition and the point of view!. If you like taking pet photos, look in Dog Fancy and Cat Fancy for good ideas to try and duplicate!. Begin to learn about photography and continue to practice and your images will improve!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Not as good as your Winter photography!. They're just mediocre amateurish snapshots, taken with what appears to me to be no care, forethought or expertise!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

terrible!. honestly!.Www@QuestionHome@Com