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Position:Home>Visual Arts> Can you edit this picture for me? (ten points to whoever can)?

Question: Can you edit this picture for me!? (ten points to whoever can)!?

i want it black and white BUT i want my eyes in color!. I can't figure out how!.!.!.!. if you can do it you can email or upload it and give me the link or something!. please thanks-?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
3 slightly different versions!.!.!.!.




Note to Micheal P!.!.!.!.I noticed you've added her photo to your sample retouched photos on your website!.!.!.!.I sure hope you got her permission to do so first!.

Here you go, i just turned it all black and white, then used the history brush to color in the eyes!.

I did a little bit more with it here, i photoshopped some stuff out of the picture (though it is less noticeable when it is a black and white picture)

And with the whole eyes (not just the irises) in color, and with another layer on top of it in overlay mode to give it kind of a glow

And with a nice border

Black & White


More emerald green

from photobucket, you can use edit with fotoflexer to open image, duplicate layer and desaturate, and erase eyes, or recolor eyes and adjust hue & transparency levels,
FotoFlexer or via photobucket,

i think you should make the WHOLE thing
b&w and leave the head phones pink
or the letter on your shirt
pop out
its a great pic but dont me wrong but its kinda creepy with your bright green eyes standing outWww@QuestionHome@Com

Do you want your eyes to really pop!? I can saturate them even more if you'd like!.!.!.!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

here is it!.!.!. do you like it!?


im Michael Pancito!.!. im a professional graphics artist / photo retoucher and a pro photographer for 9 years now!.!.

Im offering Photo retouching services and any other graphic designs!.!.!.

if you need my service,please contact me!.!.

my prices are resonable!.!.!. im very profficient in photoshop

my site is - mychael256!.multiply!.com

email : michaelpancito@yahoo!.comWww@QuestionHome@Com