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Question: When people!.!.!.!?
ask for a camera with atleast (fill in the blank) mp's, do they really know what they are talking about!.!.!. or are they stuck on the megapixel myth!?


Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
They basically think that more megapixels means better quality!. Earlier, I saw someone ask why the 8mp camera cost more than the 10mp camera!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

a pro photog can take better photos with a 6mp dslr camera than an amateur with a 12mp point and shoot!.

there is a bit of myth about megapixels!. BUT!.!.!. there is some truth to it as well because having more raw information to work with (megapixels) increases your ability to manipulate the image later!.

anyone want to debate digital vs film!?
or how about cmos vs ccd sensors!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

I read one Ken Rockwell article years ago and laughed like hell!. Years later, he still has this effect on me!. An example: "Sharpness is the most overrated aspect of lens performance!."

Tell that to the hardcore Leica or Canon L lens photographers!. If this was true, most photojournalists and sports photographers would shoot Holga!.

Anyway!. MP do matter, to a point!. With more, you simply have more information to make a print!. But, putting too many on a chip can cause noise!. But, yes, a lot of people are caught up on more is better, when they have no idea what they need to make a good print!. Or that they are better off spending their $ on great lenses instead of worrying about how many megapixels they have!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

They have been bushwhacked by the marketing folksWww@QuestionHome@Com