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Position:Home>Visual Arts> Why do people charge 500- 1000 bucks for their original art on

Question: Why do people charge 500- 1000 bucks for their original art on artistrising!.com!?
I notice that a majority of the people on artistrising!.com sell their stuff for LOADS of money!.!.!.and no offense to anyone but the stuff aint that good!.!.!. do they even actually SELL their stuff or are they just kidding themselves!?

And yes!.!.!.I fell I can do a lot better then the people on that site >_>Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:

Original art is often 200+ !. It's possible that the artists will only part with certain pieces if they're able to sell at a higher price!.

Art is in the eye of the beholder though!. Their art!. Their price!.

Just think you could do the same and make a killing by charging less ;)Www@QuestionHome@Com

well its a way of them making ends meet!. if theyve spent ages working on a picture, theyll effectivley want to be paid for the hours theyve put in!.

so a painting that took 10 hours to finish is easily worth 100, considering the time put into it!. its jsut a case of how good it is really!.

and yes i fully understand what you mean though!. a guy at my work has a few of his paintings up on the wall (just a load of vertical stripes slapped onto the canvas kinda like a thick mulitcoloured zebra pattern)!. he sold them to the company for about £40 each!. A woman once said his picture could make around £400 if it were to be exhibited in london! strange really!. i guess its jsut what people are willing to pay for an original piece of work!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Just looked at the site for the first time and most of the stuff I saw under originals looked pretty good aside from a few here and there!. That is usually around the price for a piece of original art so I am sure some of it sells!. Art can be hard to sell to begin with though so a lot of it is likely up as a form up advertising themselves!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

It is not nice to put down an artist for their works!. Because what goes around comes around!. Karma!. And artists do need to make a living so that is why they rack up the prices!. An artists life depends on how much art they sell!. So one piece of theirs could have take a week to paint or draw or w/e their critique was and that money would go to her rent or electricity bill!. also peoples tastes may differ from yours you know!? And also artists will sell there art at high prices because they know it will sell!. Who knows!. Someone far richer then you could be like "Oh that totally belongs in my bathroom" ORDER lol!Www@QuestionHome@Com

ALot of time and effort goes into making art!.!.!. the money is well deserved!.

And if you really feel you can do better, the you must be claiming you're an artist yourself!. But if you were an artist then you should be able to understand, but apparently you're not!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

lol i love making complete crap and making 900$ dollars on it, because someone with the right taste will absolutely love it!. in short, it doesn't matter if an art snob doesn't like it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

im not sure maybe they think that they are good enough to get all that money for their pieces of crap!. i personally wouldnt buy anything from thereWww@QuestionHome@Com