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Position:Home>Visual Arts> Engagement photography by amateur photographer?

Question: Engagement photography by amateur photographer!?
I was having photos done by a girl that I've known (but lost touch with) for about 12 years!. She is a second year student studying photography!. She initially said that she is setting up her portfolio so she would take the pictures and give me the disk and I'll we'd have to pay for would be prints!. Now she is saying her sitting fee is $30/ hour and a half and then we still pay for prints (and she never mentioned giving me the disk)!.

So, my question is: How much should a 2nd year photography student charge for her services when taking engagement pictures!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Well sad to say, it's up to them!. I have seen photographers that have NEVER even gone to school charge $1000 for shoots!. People do messed up things I would try and talk to her and write up some sort of a contract so she can't "change her mind again" or go with someone else!. Normally for a engagement shoot I charge about $100, but I usually go to a park or somewhere the couple can relate to not some stuffy studio :) Hope this helps!. CONGRATS on the engagement also!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Have you seen her work!?

If you like them--then that's quite low!.

If the subjects look uncomfortable, etc!. and if ** you ** are uncomfortable when you look at those photos, then go to a pro!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

assuming you know her work is good, $30/hr is cheap cheap cheap!.
if she's willing to go with that, take the offer before she wises up!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Shop her out with professionals!. 30$ is not a high price, thoughWww@QuestionHome@Com

just hire someone else!. you dont want to be her test subjects!.Www@QuestionHome@Com