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Position:Home>Visual Arts> Taking pictures of firecrackers?

Question: Taking pictures of firecrackers!?
I want to take pictures of our firecrackers this year!.

I have a Cannon Rebel XT w/ 3 different lenses!.

I would love to just know what setting is the best instead of trying over till I get it right

so what setting do you use!.!.!.at night to take pictures of firecrackers!. and with a flash or with out a flash!? Tripod or not!?

Thanks a bunchWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
i've not tried firecrackers yet!.!.!.but fireworks i shoot, and i use a tripod, and set to program shooting with a 45-150 lens, i get focused in and then simply start shooting!. i allow a timed exposure (sometimes up to 3 seconds) which is why the tripod!.!.!.
but it is something you have to work with to get right so you know what is right and how to get there!.
the exif data is available there too!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I have had tremendous luck by letting the camera's automatic settings expose for the dark sky, and, setting the unit on a tripod, aimed at where most of the fireworks go off!. Luckily, most professional skyrockets sustain a glow for several seconds, so, I can, either, trigger the shutter for the moment one goes off, or, I can anticipate by watching the streak of one of them rising to the sky!.

The tripod assures that you will not get streaky, jaggedy lines in your shots!. Flash is useless, since, one, the flash light will not reach more than a few yards, and the fireworks will be hundreds of yards away and, two, the flash only last a moment, and, even if it could reach the fireworks, the explosions will have more light than the flash!. You don't need a flash to light up another flash!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

When I took pictures of jumping jacks and pinwheels, I used f5!.6 and left my shutter open for the duration of the shot using Bulb!. This was with 100ASA film!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

probably no flash!.!.!.!.tripod is optional to what you lie best!.!.!.you you rather hold the camera or have to set it up on the tripod!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Tripod and a slow shutter speed!. Wireless remote will help, too!.Www@QuestionHome@Com