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Position:Home>Visual Arts> Help! i need a simple art studio, similar to paint & must work on Vista?

Question: Help! i need a simple art studio, similar to paint & must work on Vista!?
any clues or ideas what software i could use
it needs to be simple to use
cost is not a problem
thank youWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Paint!.net - freeware and so easy even our Ict manager couldnt mess it up!Www@QuestionHome@Com

I presume that you need an art programme!.Both Paint Shop Pro X1 and Photoshop Elements 6 are useful for Drawing and Painting as well as Photography!.The full versions of Corel's painter and Photoshop CS3 are superb,but come at a price!.Start with one of the first two suggestions and upgrade if you feel the need!.After several years of research into them I find that most of my needs are served by the basic packages!.While I can see the uses of the full packages the compact versions are perfectly adequate for most purposes!.Both need some study and input from the user,while giving straightforward auto fixes for beginners,as well as good help sections!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Photoshop is the best and works on vista,
But if you want something simple, maybe try Gimp!?
Or look on paint!.net for upgrades =]Www@QuestionHome@Com