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Position:Home>Visual Arts> Don't you think that the controversial photo of "hannah montana" l

Question: Don't you think that the controversial photo of "hannah montana" looks like a vermeer painting!?
we've heard all the negative input, how about a little artistic input!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Yes! The moment I saw the picture I thought it was like a modern-day "Girl with a Pearl Earring!."

They're both fair-faced girls of the same age, and have an appearance of vulnerability and innocence, but are looking directly at us raw, and unguarded!. The painting and portrait both show this real, incredibly human emotion!. It's not about the background or the outfit!. It's about the girl!.

You're drawn in, curious about who these girls are, and who is holding the camera or the paintbrush!. Both are centered and have their heads turned towards us, the viewer!.

Vermeer supposedly chose the pearl because they are representations of vanity as well as virginity!. The metaphor is that Griet (and Miley) are like pearls!.

: )Www@QuestionHome@Com

it looks nice not at all wrong kind of a little girl found !.!.!. that was lost !.!.!. i guess because so many people have lost idols for thier children they dont want to loose this one as a positive one !.!.t ome ther searching for the flaws !.!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Vermeer never painted a half-dressed, underaged girl with wet hair!.

Go study an art history book!.Www@QuestionHome@Com