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Position:Home>Visual Arts> Hi i want to make a craft art egg?

Question: Hi i want to make a craft art egg!?
hi i want to make a craft art egg with easy things but i dont know how any help how! :(Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
To make a fake craft egg get a box like the one in the fist link cut out two of the egg holder that are at the bottom, glue them together to make one egg!. You can put 5 or 4 dried beans in the cup before you glue them together!. To make a rattle and then color the egg!.

To make an actual egg have colors on it boil it then dip it in food coloring(10 sec)!. The food coloring will turn the egg that color!.

Have Fun !!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Maybe you would like to start with chicken eggs since they are cheap!. You would need to poke a hole on each end of the egg, and blow the inside out to get rid of it!.
I usually filled it with some water and detergent to clean it and blew it again!. Wait until is completely dry!.

Instead of food coloring (like the ones used on Easter) I always preferred acrylic paints!. They look really beautiful and then you can paint your design on it, or if you are not that crafty you can use one of those transfers (sort of like the stickers that you transfer with a Popsicle stick)!.

After all your paint is dry you can varnish!. Myself I use future floor wax and dip it on it and let dry and then dip several more times!. They look really beautiful!

If you get really into it then you can purchase bigger eggs ( such as ostrich)!. They are sold for a Lot of money!!Www@QuestionHome@Com

im Lola 2!!!!!!!!! sorry i dont know wat a art craft egg is lolWww@QuestionHome@Com