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Position:Home>Visual Arts> What did Henri Matisse want to be or trained to be before e became an aritst?

Question: What did Henri Matisse want to be or trained to be before e became an aritst!?
what did he want to beWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
The following excerpt is from the Grove Art Online biographical entry for Henri Matisse!. Grove is a subscription service which may be available thorugh your public library - it is the online version of the 'Grove Dictionary of Art'!.

"He [Matisse] worked first as a solicitor’s clerk in the local town of Saint-Quentin before taking a degree in law in Paris from October 1887 to August 1889, without apparently showing the slightest interest in art; on returning home he resumed work as a solicitor’s clerk!. Bored by the routine of office life, he attended drawing classes at the Ecole Quentin Latour before going to work!.

In winter 1889 Matisse took up painting during a prolonged period of convalescence from appendicitis!. He abandoned law and obtained his father’s grudging permission to study painting in Paris!."

Hope this helps!
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He studied law in Paris and became a court administratorWww@QuestionHome@Com

Hayley 67 has got it right
he trained as a court adminWww@QuestionHome@Com

A lawyer!.


a treeWww@QuestionHome@Com