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Position:Home>Visual Arts> Rate me PLZ? out of 10?

Question: Rate me PLZ!? out of 10!?
Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
You know what!? You're young and it doesn't matter what other people think!.

What are you doing posting your picture in the photography section here!? Does it really make a difference in your life what random strangers think of you!? The answer to that question is NO!.

What you need to be concerned with is being happy with your self!. You need to be healthy, eat right, stay away from drugs, and generally be your self!. You know what the girls like best!? They like the kids who can be them selves and have a good time!. They don't want to hang around they guy who's always doing stupid stuff to try and impress them!. Yeah they'll giggle at you if you make a fool of your self, but that's rather different that laughing with them when you're having a good time!.

So chill out!. Be comfortable with who you are, because I'm willing to bet you're a pretty cool guy!. Let your own qualities, likes, and dislikes shine through!. So go hang out with some real friends instead of asking strangers on the Internet to rate your photo!.Www@QuestionHome@Com


Confidence makes a person more attractive!.!.!.you're a cute kid!.!.!.tuck that away in your brain and forget about it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

momo didn't give you enough credit!.!.!.i'd say 2!.5Www@QuestionHome@Com