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Position:Home>Visual Arts> ***Artists Needed!!!!***?

Question: ***Artists Needed!!!!***!?
Okay, I know this is a lot to ask, but I was wondering if someone could draw a curved trumpet in the shape of a Nike swoosh kind of!. It would be so great!. See, we're making band shirts and we're going to have a drawing of a curved trumpet and then under it it's going to say "just blew it"!.!.!.thank you so much for helping if you do!

10 points if you do draw one!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Would it be better if the slogan was "Just blow it" to stay in the present tense!? Since the Nike's slogan isn't "Just did it!."

Anyway, I'll give it a shot!. I'll edit this answer and add the link when it's done!. Would you like it colored!?

Edit: It looks clip-artsy!.!.!.

Contact me if you want any changes made, like if you guys are planning to wear light colored shirts and you want me to make the colors darker!. Something like that!. If you don't like it--well, tough, considering I did it for free!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

VERY clever idea!. And don't change the tense!. "Just Blew It" rhymes with the Nike slogan and will be more easily identified with it!. This is a case where correct grammar does not apply!. This is what is known as "artistic license!."

I suggest you contact your school's art departement to help find a talented student who can do the work!. You, probably can't afford to pay a professional to do this, and, the student would probably be glad to do it for the experience, exposure and a free tee shirt!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Here I tried my best

About that slogan!.!.!. it sort of implies failure, are you sure that's what you're wanting!? Happy to help out but the slogan worries me!.Www@QuestionHome@Com