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Position:Home>Visual Arts> How do I copyright my photographs?

Question: How do I copyright my photographs!?
I have taken an interest in photography but have not officailly opened a business!. Some members of my family have gotten me to take photos for me and when I give them the proof albums they take the photos to walmart or somewhere witha kiosk and copy the pics!. I am loosing money, since they are family they feel no need to ever pay!. I do not want to say anything to them because they are my new inlaws and I do not want to make the family angry with me 2 months before my wedding!. I do not want a sitting fee from them, I just want to print my own pics and get paid for the supplies!. How can I copyright the photos without a business!? I do not want them to be able to take the photos to the kiosk and print them!? I am not money hungry!. My fiance and I are on a really tight budget right now and we are losing money witht he gas and resourses i am using for the pics!. Please help me, and only serios answers!. I do not need to be criticised!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Your photographs are already copyrighted under the Intellectual Property Laws of the United States!. You do not have to register them, although you can!. Simply documenting them, by placing them on your computer drive, automatically gives them protection under the law!.

Many people do not understand that the artist (or photographer) owns all the rights to every piece, unless you give them the reproduction rights in a written contract!.

I would suggest that you, first, make it PERFECTLY CLEAR to anyone who wants copies of your photos that you charge for them!.!.!. and quote the prices of two or three size prints so they know you are serious!. You can SHOW people the full-size proofs, but DO NOT let them take them!. Instead, give them one or two "proof sheets" full of tiny pictures of the photos, say 2-inches high each, that they can write their notes about which they want to buy!.!.!. but the pics are not big enough for them to reprint!.

Dealing with relatives and friends can be difficult!. If you are running a business, you must let them know that you charge!.!.!. although (smile when you say this) you would be happy to give them a friends and family discount of 15 percent!. But, make sure you are still making money with that discount applied!

Good luck with your photography business!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Your pictures are technically copyrighted when you take them!. Intellectual property!. With the family, ask for the fee up front and remind them that the pictures are your property!. There is one more thing!. If the pictures are of them you may need a release form signed by them so that you can use the pictures for monetary or advertising purposes!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Okay all you need is photoshop (any model) you can open a picture and then on a new layer you can write your name or whatever across the picture then at a copy write sign and lighten the opacity so it has the watermark across the picture and printing it will do no good for them!. You can also get cheap or free programs off line that do the same thing!.

Basically just add a water mark and TADAAAA you are making moneyWww@QuestionHome@Com